September 4, 2009


    Crown Concerns
    It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.- Delores Ibarruri (1895-1989, Spanish Politician, Orator) 4 Sept. 2009
    Salbuchi: We The People
    Bird Flu Warning: American Holocaust
    Crown Concern
    My crown concern these days is this swine flu crap. Well…really this government using this swine flu crap to perpetrate some more evil on the usual. Both the government and the people must be pain freaks.The masses suffer from extreme victim complexes and the government suffer delusional grandeur and psychosis but are able to enforce their ill upon the sheople while enjoying a sick societies respect and,admiration and even obedience. Yep….it’s a mad,mad world.Is it coincidence that a health care bill is the top story and issue while simultaneously there is silent all pervading fear being drummed up via the great swine flu?To take a vaccination shot on ones own accord is retarded and to take one forcibly is slavery. Where do we go from here? Can I not say I refuse this shot? Perhaps it is a microchip..or a disease? How can you…an ordinary man…command and demand that I inject into my person some fluid I know nothing about but what you say? No…you have crossed the line.You crossed it a long time ago as a matter of fact.Get up people!Do not give up your last layer of protection from a corrupt,sick and deviant body of lying,deceiving ass crooks? Trust in God and prepare for war.
    Historical facts about the dangers (and failures) of vaccines Profits über Alles! American Corporations and Hitler ,“DNA can be faked”: Authentication of forensic DNA samples  , The Secret History of Hurricane Katrina , Prison food ‘beats NHS hospitals’ , The Rise of Mercenary Armies Help White House Thwart Peace Movement , Missouri veteran injured by vaccine ineligible for benefit… Flu shot or get fired . The people must come to see the government as the enemy. They must overstand that everything the government does is designed to create slaves.
        Personal News
    I got my website report today.I gained 861 links.There are now 2,946 inbound links to my site not bad for a rookie huh? This means that there are thousands of sites that have links to my site on them. I am astounded.Thank you lord.I updated The Kings Corner.Check it out here: .




June 22, 2009

  • Crown Concerns

    22 June 2009There is a crack in everything…that’s how the light gets in – Leonard Cohen
    Comedian In Chief
    The Obama Deception
    Crown Concern
    I saw the president on tv telling jokes the other day.I must say that it was deeply disturbing to me.I cannot in good conscious keep silent about this atrocity.He did this the day before the people of Iran took to the streets.The day many of them died.He knew that this could/would happen?Yet there he was telling jokes on tv?I found his joke telling to be distasteful and even shameful.I  found it to be ignorant and disrespectful (especially to the people of Iran?)He showed no sensitivity for the Iranian people…the citizens.No sensitivity for the life of that little girl who died the same day he took his little girls for ice cream.I must question his ability to lead?Now of course I must also question..”why CNN would report this(ice cream)on the day when that little girl died?”…but when I see the images of that little girl lying in the street…in a pool of blood…dead…I think…my President was telling jokes last night and he knew this was coming.Now I wonder…could he have really been that ignorant?Did he really not comprehend that the world needed to see a real leader and not a comedian?Is he really in charge? I think for many around the world…the “shine” came off of Mr. Obama that day.

March 17, 2009

  • Crown Concerns

    17 March 2009Don’t go through life, grow through life.- Eric Butterworth
    Black’s Law pt.1
    Black’s Law pt.2
    Black’s Law pt.3
    Crown Concern
    The financial crisis is only tip of the iceberg.The people still have hope but they are in for some hard times.Even in the face of AIG giving out bonuses again….the people complain like the children they have become.They have not understood a simple concept.The concept that says a rich person will come to despise the common person.The intelligent person will come to despise the unintelligent person.These concepts are basic and true.There are of course exceptions but on the whole these concepts are self evident and quietly understood and accepted as facts of life.Those who have power will come to despise those who do not have power.They will come to abuse the power.They will come to abuse those who have no power.Man knows this but like many simple truths he prefers to simply ignore them because they may cause minor discomfort.The people will no doubt suffer.How did the people manage to give away all of their power? The power of reason even!It is not difficult to despise the common person.It is difficult to love them.Is it not basic instinct to resist oppression?How could the people give their birth rights away so cheaply?Now they are angry.Good.Very good.
    Presidents Will never solve Americas problems because they are part of the problem.They have led us here?They like the rest of the people in america play the silent but deadly game of being somebody and knowing something when in reality they are nobody and know nothing.A president must have a resume which by its very nature makes him unfit to lead.How much ass kissing must a man do to become president.Not to mention the fact he joins a criminal organization which feeds on the people.A president is a slave to illusory customs and traditions which prevent him from being a true man. A true leader.


January 10, 2009

  • Crown Concerns

    10 January 2009I am always going to be true to myself.- Princess Diana of Wales (1961-1997)
    My Television Commercial
    2012 The End of The World?
    The Amero and The North American Union
    Crown Concern
    I have a question….if China and Japan are loaning America money and are basically holding up our economy…what is going to happen when they decide to keep their money? I do not want to spread fear but in this case I really believe that fear is a good thing. Our reporters casually comment every day that the chinese is loaning us the money to pay for our wars and that they (China)are “basically” holding our economy together.Then the democrats have a fit saying that a $600.00 tax cut for the people is too much but ridiculous bailouts for banks,insurance agencies,auto industries and on and on was whisked through to fruition via some fake and weak ass outrage.Californians are getting IOUs? Doesn’t this shit make you want to get gangsta? Now the porn industry wants a bailout! What about the people. The people who are paying for all these bailouts and at the same time losing their homes by the dozens.People have begun to commit suicide just as I predicted years ago. The world is going to get bad.This recession began a year before they acknowledged it. It will be the same with the depression? We must wake up. We must be informed. It is still up to you and I.Just keeping it real because I love you.
    2012 The End of The World- My View
    Astrologically there will be an alignment that no one alive today has ever seen.It is called the galactic alignment.No one will deny it when I say that the moons movement affects our oceans? Well there are other planets that affect us and earth as well.This alignment will no doubt change the world as it is known today!I personally do not believe the earth will be destroyed(I hope not)but I do believe there could be horrific environmental and atmospheric attacks.Slavery as I said before is a very real possibility.I also believe that Jesus will be setting up his own government to be made manifest around this time.



November 24, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    24 November 2008Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.-Billy Graham(1918-, American Evangelist)
    Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 – 2007 (The American Economy)
    Federal reserve is Engineering the Economic Collapse
    The Inevitable Collapse of The Dollar
    Crown Concern
    Kanye West had the best line I ever heard concerning money. He said ” having money ain’t everything but not having it is”. Yeah…Kanye said it best. I have quit many jobs in my life. I remember getting a job once and the first day I quit as I pulled up to it simply because the radio dj said something about slaves.I have suffered long and hard because of money.Yet…I was born to be free.(Tears roll down my cheeks with the simple thought of freedom)…Oh…how stone cold serious I am about freedom…how very willing I am to die for freedom.In this unnatural world where millions and billions of busy worker bees run hither and tither to and fro consuming natures resources like unconscious gluttons while happily exchanging rights and liberties for peaceful eye winking slavery and an ipod…one day…I may have money.We are heading for a great great depression people.One like we have never seen before.Even a blind man can see that America is about to collapse.Any citizen that can reason knows that once that first domino falls…the rest will surely follow.We have seen the banks,insurance agencies,housing agencies,auto industry and transit systems!?? begging for you and I to help them. Why must I pay taxes on the house that I bought outright? Why are those phony “win a million dollar schemes” allowed in my mailbox? Such is the nature of our culture.Mediocrity and bullshit rule.Excellence will garnish a world full of enemies.911 to me immediately signaled the death of American financial power.Inside job? Makes no difference.Inside or outside.When those towers hit the ground they buried the dollar bill in the worlds mental depositories.Those towers represented Americas wealth.People will be jumping out of windows in the future.They will be killing themselves in all kinds of ways to avoid the horror that awaits them in the future.No one has their back? They have been so foolish to trust in a government to manage their affairs.


November 9, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    09 Nov 2008Other people’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. Les Brown(1945-, American Speaker, Author,Motivator, Lecturer)
    Black Journey to Barack – Barack Obama Song
    It’s A New Day –
    Barack Obama – Presidential Acceptance Speech 1/2
    Crown Concern
    Well,well,well…there is a new day in America.Let me begin by saying that I am happy for Mr. Obama and America.Let me also say that I wish not to cast aspersion on this situation.I wish not to deny nor degrade the historical import of this event.Certainly something “new” has happened in America.We now have a black man as president.I do admire the way the country took to the streets.It was moving to see the crowds in tears as the Obama victory was announced.I am a man who has observed…no studied…this country and its citizens…for years.I applaud them for their valiant efforts.They did rise up against real threats to their dignity and hope.Yes I applaud them.Yet…I am the voice in the wilderness.I am the wise brother who keeps an eye on a larger reality.I come from slaves but I am the greatest among them.I can not afford to be duped.A black president does not guarantee freedom.Therefore while I am certain that something has been accomplished it can be nothing but illusion.Where will we be in 4 yrs? 8 yrs? Obamas mother is white.If she were black would that have made a difference?To me a black man has a black mother.I can see it no other way.It is no other way.The mother is what determines our nature.He is half white and half black.That is what he is.Give me a 100% black man and perhaps then I shall truly rejoice.I know that power will never concede victory because of a vote.I know that slavery continues to be the goal? The Mayan calendar ends in 2012.Many predict the end of the world during that time frame.I predict that they will try to put the “black” man back into slavery!To orchestrate an election of a black president would be a brilliant way to “escalate” a plan because it would unfold under the cover of great progress.There is no vote and if the people would not have taken to the streets and the media had not guided the “play” to fruition…election fraud would have caused a revolution. Yet…it is not time for that.Perhaps in 4 years? None woke up Nov.5th with racial inequality or injustice gone? What can this man Mr. Obama do for me? 1 thing.Which he has already done. That is to put a black face where it has never been before.Now the world may view me and my people in a different light.A light that is not so utterly unbalanced.I have hope that Mr. Obama is a prophet.Otherwise there is not much else that he can do for me.Will he now give me my forty acres and a mule? I will not judge Mr. Obama so soon.I will give him the opportunity to reveal himself via his actions during his reign.Promising to create more jobs does not cut it for me.I do not want a job.I want to be free.Don’t give me that bullshit you suckers give to the masses.I do not vote because I am the greatest man in this world.Who am I to vote for? I relinquish my personal sovereignty to no man! A harvard education to me immediately signals a deficiency.Any degree other than that 33rd degree that is given by God himself reveals a deficiency to me.I shall rejoice with eyes wide open and I shall let my “blackness” shine through until the day I die.Not because of a presidential election but because I am The King.



November 4, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    04 Nov 2008Few things are necessary to make the wise man happy while no amount of material wealth would satisfy a fool. I am not a fool.-Og Mandino(1923-1996, American Motivational Author, Speaker)
    George Carlin On Voting
    Dave Chapell On Voting
    Crown Concern
    Tonight we will have a new president.It may be a ” black” man. That will make history indeed. Nevertheless…that is not so much my concern.I see that once again there will be election fraud and extreme incompetence.On CNN tonight they reported that thousands have not received their absentee ballots yet?There are reports in Virginia that the voting booths are “flipping” votes.Other states report voting machines not working etc.I am flabbergasted by the lines one must wait in to vote. Hours? I read a report that thousands of pages of voter information was found on an interstate in Tampa.In Virginia…McCain sues to get military votes counted that will arrive 10 days after the election.The NAACP filed a lawsuit against Virginia saying the state was not prepared for Tuesday’s election.It said that there were not enough voting machines for areas that predominately served African-American voters. Elsewhere people got phone calls saying that if they showed up to vote they would be arrested and so on….same stuff as usual.
    Message To The Black Man
    Although I may rejoice(privately)if Mr. Obama wins the presidency…I continue to understand that a black president does not guarantee freedom.
    Personal News
    I am just about finished with my CD. It will be out and for sale in about 2 weeks.Also I recently installed the toolbar and thought you might find it interesting.It is free,has lots of useful features and people love it! The default search engine is google and I really like the radio feature.You can choose your own stations to listen too! This is very a nice toolbar. There are many gadgets and buttons to choose from as well.Please make it your choice for toolbars and you can always check me out!To find out more about this toolbar and/or download it, go to:



July 27, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    27 July 2008Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.-Robin Williams (1952-, American Actor, Comedian)

    Kobe Bryant- The Worlds Greatest
    One Legged Skier–Xtra Ordinary
    Tips For An Xtra Ordinary Life
    Crown Concern
    I have been working on another cd. I must admit I am on another level now. Xtra Ordinary! I have some music coming that cannot be denied. Once an old lady told me that God wanted me to sing.I got a recording contract the very next day? Yeah…I don’t need anyone to tell me who I am but music was never on my radar..until that fateful day. I have always known that my creator had a mission for me but I never knew what it could be. Today I know that I am a star. I am a super star! I am Xtra Ordinary and I like it. Keep your eyes and ears open because I will take the world stage soon. I will take the world by storm people.
    My Journey
    My journey is coming to an end….finally. So long have I traveled this road. So many trials. So many disappointments. So much heartache and pain. Today I stand here as a man that has endured. A man that has persevered and overcome.I cannot be stopped. I can never be deterred.I can never be denied. Long Live The King!
    Xtra Quote
    I’d rather be a flop at show business than to be a success at something I didn’t like. George Burns (1896-1996, American Comedy Actor)
    I am manifesting now. My being is filling my body with what I am…who I am. Full circle my cycles of life.Back to the beginning yet on other levels of existence I am. A child in the universe yet a master of men. Great power bestowed upon conditions bordering insanity and absolute conciousness. Manifest great and wonderful destiny. I manifest you!


June 4, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    04 June 2008- Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.- William A. Ward
    Congrats—Obama Makes History
    Obama – Victory Speech
    Reflections: The Civil Rights Movement
    Crown Concern
    I must give props to Mr. Obama. What he has accomplished can never be denied. He like King David defeated a goliath. History indeed.The significance of his victory is seen and heard around the world in the tears and cheers from people of all races.Many today are crying tears of joy for their hope has appeared and the judgement rendered.
    The Working Man
    The Working Man…I think that JOB from the bible is not so much a story about a man whom God tested.It is not so much a lesson about faith…or even about perseverance.It is about a mystery.A mystery and a phenomena.It is about a job.Work!Working for a living.To me JOB is about how man must work for a living to enjoy “plastic things”.Do not get me wrong…I enjoy the “plastic things” too but that doesn’t stop me from understanding the reality of the situation.There are many paradoxes in modern mans life.”He washes pots and pans” like Jesus said..”following the customs and traditions of man”.Yes he washes everything…but in the end he is covered with dirt.That is a serious point to ponder people. How we wash ourselves every day but in the end….they throw dirt on us.Deep if you can think it through.Reality.Man works to get money…which are in reality…pieces of paper and metal. He uses the pieces of paper and metal to buy “plastic things”.This is profound when one understands his true potential.To me the story of JOB is about how can true man…keep his original dignity while being fully conscious of his condition of slavery.
    Obama-My Opinion
    A politician is a politician and a politician is a crook.The government is the mob. You cannot join the mob talking about making changes.It appears that Obama has qualities of a prophet and certainly the voice of a messenger.



March 17, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    17 March 2008Living in etenity, I forget how old I am. – The King (1962- )
    A Scientific Look at Humanity
    Reincarnation pt,1
    Reincarnation pt.2
    Crown Concern
    In modern times…man is reduced to an existence of unwary servitude. He is reduced to having common thoughts and beliefs. He is given choices by unknown forces which are seemingly irrelevant to him.He will never conceive,perceive, or achieve true autonomy because he cannot imagine that he does not already possess this most valuable commodity.No,,,he cannot imagine all the forces that control and maintain his existence. I have faced the truth of existence and I have stared down her ugly belly while convulsing…writhing in agony…no…this cannot be…but alas….denial gave way to acceptance and peace.Brutal is my truth and I have paid the price to understand my precarious situation. Nevertheless…if my life be worth anything…I must speak my truth.
    Remember What I Said
    Coincidence? In my last newsletter one of the “topics” was tornadoes. Yesterday a tornado hit downtown Atlanta. Have you guys been watching our great democratic processes at work? I told you that the media would bring the issue of race into your homes when it was time for a revolution.
    Long Live The King !
    My birthday is on March 19th. It is funny but I forget how old I am. I mean,,,,I never have age in my consciousness….only eternity. If others never asked my age I would never know it. It is as if I am forced to acknowledge the countdown of my natural life via the rising and setting of the sun. Forced to accept an inevitable fate thereby creating unnatural tension.Unnatural? Yes…grasshopper.
    note* I do not endorse any religion. Concepts from any religion may have certain tenets or ideas that I may agree with. I believe in a superior power be it called God,Allah,Jehovah or whatever. I believe that the universe is unfolding as it should.


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