Month: September 2009


    Crown Concerns
    It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.- Delores Ibarruri (1895-1989, Spanish Politician, Orator) 4 Sept. 2009
    Salbuchi: We The People
    Bird Flu Warning: American Holocaust
    Crown Concern
    My crown concern these days is this swine flu crap. Well…really this government using this swine flu crap to perpetrate some more evil on the usual. Both the government and the people must be pain freaks.The masses suffer from extreme victim complexes and the government suffer delusional grandeur and psychosis but are able to enforce their ill upon the sheople while enjoying a sick societies respect and,admiration and even obedience. Yep….it’s a mad,mad world.Is it coincidence that a health care bill is the top story and issue while simultaneously there is silent all pervading fear being drummed up via the great swine flu?To take a vaccination shot on ones own accord is retarded and to take one forcibly is slavery. Where do we go from here? Can I not say I refuse this shot? Perhaps it is a microchip..or a disease? How can you…an ordinary man…command and demand that I inject into my person some fluid I know nothing about but what you say? No…you have crossed the line.You crossed it a long time ago as a matter of fact.Get up people!Do not give up your last layer of protection from a corrupt,sick and deviant body of lying,deceiving ass crooks? Trust in God and prepare for war.
    Historical facts about the dangers (and failures) of vaccines Profits über Alles! American Corporations and Hitler ,“DNA can be faked”: Authentication of forensic DNA samples  , The Secret History of Hurricane Katrina , Prison food ‘beats NHS hospitals’ , The Rise of Mercenary Armies Help White House Thwart Peace Movement , Missouri veteran injured by vaccine ineligible for benefit… Flu shot or get fired . The people must come to see the government as the enemy. They must overstand that everything the government does is designed to create slaves.
        Personal News
    I got my website report today.I gained 861 links.There are now 2,946 inbound links to my site not bad for a rookie huh? This means that there are thousands of sites that have links to my site on them. I am astounded.Thank you lord.I updated The Kings Corner.Check it out here: .