February 18, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    18 February 2008We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us. – Virginia Satir (American Family Therapist, Lecturer, Trainer, Author)
    I Am A Friend of God
    Tornadoes : The Wrath of God
    Taste and Smell- Blessings From God
    Imagine that one exists in a place where he is able to “observe” his own life and others as if he were a God. Imagine having powers undreamed of. What is spirituality? Spirituality is ” having ones spirit in the presence of God at all times”. Becoming spiritual is a process. Belief may be the cornerstone but as such does not make a home? The goal of spirituality is to enable an individuals growth and evolution. Where does ones evolution end? With God. Imagine someone reaching this state of…”GRACE”… Yet how can one exist with God and be human. How can one balance the knowledge of the real presence of God invading every little thought….forcing one to be acutely aware of every thoughts ramifications. Forcing him to observe his creations and destructions via his very own thoughts! How can such a one not become a God himself!? Spirituality is the perfecting of ones spirit and mind through trial and tribulation…..pain and suffering…until it is so pure and strong that it is able to dwell in the house of the lord and on earth simultaneously.The spirit and mind must be transformed to be able to withstand the difference in vibration.The mind must undergo the transformation which allows it to “contain” spiritual truth while living on earth and not going stone cold crazy.
    The Most Important Verses In The BIble:
    John 14:12
    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (KJV)
    Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together. isaiah 41.23
    Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10.34
    I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. psalms 82.6



January 6, 2008

  • Crown Concerns

    06 January 2008I’ve outdone anyone you can name – Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Straus. Irving Berlin, he wrote 1,001 tunes. I wrote 5,500. -James Brown
    I Am About Greatness
    Happy New Year People
    Happy New Year MotherFucker!
    2008…I am 45 earth years now. Tired of bullshit. Daddy ’bout to get raw you”ll. Presidential debates tonight. All candidates…Democrats and republicans.I have been thinking about you dumb ass people. How you vote for leaders and what qualities you want in them etc. You people teach your kids about a santa clause with flying reindeer and a easter bunny with beautiful eggs etc. You enforce this mind crippling custom on the children with games and toys… guaranteeing that they grow up as dumb as you. You cannot think people and I mean this with all the strength in my heart and soul. You cannot deny this truth. The great man is able to generate true thought. What if it were scientifically and empirically true that the brain cannot produce thought but only juggles information that has been placed there via external elements? Is a president a preconceived and even pre-created vision of a “santa clause?” He brings “gifts”  …usually “toys”  ….for “children?” He is not a King demanding order.He is not a great warrior commanding respect and authority. No… he is a rich bitch who has never struggled in the jungle. A man who has speech writers because he is also a dumb ass child. He has many known levels of “protection “ and “security“. They are to protect him from himself. The people though…they are incredible in their ability to accept and endure abuse and oppression. They are superior in their ability to swallow bullshit. Yeah…I am watching these  clowns debate now. Love a good circus. Man has lost the ability to think people. He has lost even the desire to be free. He makes bullshit gestures like going to voting machines to compliment the absurdity of his dull pill popping existence. How about a nice revolution for a new years resolution? Happy new year mother fuckers!


December 1, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    01 December 2007A human being is happiest and most successful when dedicated to a cause outside his own individual, selfish satisfaction.- Benjamin Spock (1903-, American Pediatrician)
    Speaking Truth To Power
    Speaking Truth To Power – 2
    The Greatest Moments in Presendential Speech Compilation
    Crown Concerns
    I have been watching the Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum. It was very interesting because it was a forum of community activists who organized from around the country and were present to speak to the candidates. This made this forum extremely unique. The candidates were asked questions after citizens told stories and then asked questions. Very interesting….this particular form of discussion. It was more real because the citizens were inspired in this setting. Able to tell their stories they became passionate and pretenses were dropped and they spoke truth to power! This type of community forum can indeed become a catalyst for change. This forum also put the candidates under a new light. It brought them down a bit…even though they are well trained in the art of crowd manipulation via understanding the crowd mentality. They were forced to become a part of the crowd….momentarily. It is very clear that the citizens are searching. They are worried. They are afraid. They are desperate to end the insanity that they see in the world. The insanity that they now know was created and maintained by our very own government! They instinctively cling to the hope that community values can save them.Community values! They want the government to understand that if you simply give us all a job with decent wages and you treat us fair and you administer justice,mercy and common sense we will be the great country that is in our dreams. They want it understood that That we want to return to the american dream. We want out of this nightmare.This is what it is all about. They want the government….the president….to understand that we are all created equal and we are all…in this together. Yes…a noble creed to live by.


November 8, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    8 November 2007One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer, another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.- Bible, Proverbs 11:24
    H.R. 1955 – Thought Crimes In The U.S.
    Prison Camps In America? Hell Yeah!
    Why The World Thinks Americans Are Stupid
    Crown Concerns
    Aaaahhh…feels so good to write again.Too many days spent with unconscious people. I am longing for real conversation. I am dying to be useful. So tired of talking and listening to brain washed idiots spouting thoughtless rhetoric. Wasted words falling on untrained ears like dew on a leaf. Weather man what will the weather be like today? Lord help us all. The world has gone mad. Rubber stamped prison camps.Plastic men drinking gin all day.Lady liberty fading away.Educated fools get in the way.Blessed are the dead.
    Some Stupid Laws In America
    “These are real standing laws from around the United States of America.
    - Alaska:
    1. It is illegal to push a live moose out of a moving airplane. –
    1. Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner. 2. If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.
    1. Bathing is prohibited during the winter.-
    1. Kisses may last for as much as, but no more than, five minutes.
    1. Biting someone with your natural teeth is “simple assault,” while biting someone with your false teeth is “aggravated assault.”
    1. It is illegal to lasso a catfish in Tennessee!!
    1. Violators can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog.
    Xtra Quote
    Education, in the broadest of truest sense, will make an individual seek to help all people, regardless of race, regardless of color, regardless of condition. George Washington Carver (1864-1943, American Scientist)

September 23, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    23 September 2007The true test of character is… how we behave when we don’t know what to do. – John Holt ( Australian Prime Minister)
    Century of Self/ The Real American Identity
    The Jena 6
    Think Different
    Crown Concerns
    The other day I was pulled over by the police and my car was seized. The officer initially pulled me over because he said I was swerving. I had pulled in to my job…when he hit the lights. Tomorrow I must go to court.I want to say that as I sat in the back of the police car….handcuffed..like a violent criminal… I realized that I could be taken somewhere and beaten….killed. I couldn’t understand why I was handcuffed in the first place.I certainly couldn’t understand why I was taken to jail where I had to sit in this small room still handcuffed for what to me seemed eternity. I was shocked of course. I got a ticket a couple months back. Speeding. I couldn’t produce proof of insurance although I had insurance indeed.I know they can see if you have insurance instantly even if you don’t have proof. They have a laptop computer mounted in the front seat. They can run any check they want to in seconds. Any way I paid the ticket online and was going to send them a copy of my insurance as well.The site said that they would send me a form to fill out to show proof of insurance. That form never arrived.No letter…no email…phone call…nothing. Yet I was arrested and humiliated. 1 minute from work. On the property even. My car was seized and I was handcuffed and taken to jail. I was glad when I saw the police station. I thought…at least they aren’t taking me to some deserted street. While I was sitting there in the back of that car…I watched as the officer searched my car. I hoped that he would not drop some drug in my car. I realized how easy it would be. How easy it was for the cop…the court…the system…to simply do away with my life. Just like the guy who told the students that went to the same school as the Jena 6…” I can end your life with the stroke of a pen”. Yes…that is pretty much how it is isn’t it? I remember the cop saying to me at the police station..” that someone was overdosing on cocaine or something”. That statement has me concerned.

July 2, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    02 July 2007“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” -William Jennings Bryan
    CNN report: The Revival of the Ku Klux Klan
    Exterminate White People
    Racist Slavery Commercials
    Crown Concerns
    Hello people…I told many people on this internet that race is the saving grace for this government. I told them that when the people are just about ready for revolution…the government will utilize the television and introduce race to them. I said that this tactic will divert them from the high road of civil disobedience to save civil rights to the low road of racism,hate and civil unrest. Ultimately designed to ensure a race war instead of an overthrow of a cruel manipulating and extremely dangerous government. I said that the people must come to see the government as “the enemy”.A few days ago the “amnesty” bill (immigration) was defeated but yesterday as the Chicago Sun Times put it… ” High Court Denies Equal Education“. Excerpt: ” the crucial cause of equal education for minorities, which the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education ruling zeroed in on 53 years ago and which remains a prime concern of school reformers. In striking down school integration programs in Louisville and Seattle, the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a potentially crippling blow to that cause. Adding insult to injury, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, actually said the court was acting in the spirit of Brown in disallowing the schools to “discriminate on the basis of race.”
    Are You Ready For The Revolution?
    Polls show that confidence in the congress has dipped to about 14%. Confidence in the President of the united states is at 15%. Confidence in the justice system is around 18%.  Are you ready for the revolution?
    Long Live The King
    I am not talking about Elvis who was a man made character and media creation.I am not talking about Martin Luther King who just like Elvis was “managed” and “shopped” to civil consumers…no…I am talking about ME!

June 8, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    07 June 2007Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945, German Lutheran pastor and theologian)
    Your Congress
    A Sign For Rudy? Us?
    32 Second Summary Of The Republican Debate
    Crown Concerns
    Man cares not who governs him…only that he is governed. He happily accepts the illusion of voting.He really does not care that it is illusion because he knows that he does not follow his vote to ensure it is counted etc. He can watch years of vote fraud …yet he will cling to his illusion.He will watch years of political rhetoric with the same disappointing results…year after year…yet he will cling to his illusion.He will see his life caving in from the weight of taxes and bills and gas prices and poison food and the patriot act etc. He will watch his children being sent off to die…yet he will continue to talk about voting for the next man that wants to abuse his dumb ass. He knows that nothing will change yet he continues to participate in the grand illusion proudly while secretly hoping that no one is wise enough to see that he is intellectually retarded and spiritually useless.The simple act of punching a card or touching a screen is enough for this non thinking entity to return home a proud fool.He will talk about democrat and republican etc…..like this shit exists in reality. He will cast a vote for someone who has been given to him. Someone he knows from commercials on television. What fool can vote for someone he does not personally know? They talk as if they have a choice in who rules them. They have not understood how it is no choice to have choices given to them. Hillary…Mcain…..Edwards..yes they will solve my problems. They are superior persons…they have great knowledge and wisdom???? LMAO Ridiculous is the american man and his vote.
    Peace On Earth
    Peace is such a simple thing you’ll. They’re working hard to prevent it. Everything is not always what it seems. Come on you’ll…let’s get with it. We need a little unity,love and understanding. We need to take responsibility for the condition of the earth…our world and its citizens. We need to transform our values and challenge our complacency. We must stand up. We must fight. We must die…if necessary.
    Xtra Quote
    A true friend is somebody who can make us do what we can. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882, American poet, essayist)


March 26, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    26 March 2007Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for? – Robert Browning
    Stupid In America
    Did You Know
    This is a Damn Shame
    Crown Concerns
    Here are more videos. The first is a cartoon about our “pill popping culture”. http://www.cafeoflifepikespeak.com/Videos/Licensed%20To%20Pill.swf
    More Stupid American Videos
    I want to mention that thousands of Americans are losing their homes due to impossible mortgage and credit schemes which have left them in despair! The media calls it “The Mortgage Meltdown Crisis“. No…I can never run out of concerns in this country. Of course politics will continue to add to the growing list of concerns and even the most patriotic of Americans cannot escape the reality of what is going on in this country for long.  I think the cover up of Pat Tillmans death ( soldier who left professional football to serve in the war) will become like a blister and continue to create disdain for our government. Finally…the democrats are proving that there is no real difference in ideology concerning the parties. Both are ridiculous and extremely ignorant of real change.
    God Please Stop Blessing Me
     My first enlightenment…which I call an “expansion of consciousness came one day out of the blue. I was riding down the street looking at these fields,trees and houses etc…and I had the thought,”this sure is beautiful…I wonder how God sees this? Immediately I became a giant towering over the earth. Everything became like a monopoly set to me. I saw monopoly stop signs and monopoly size trees and houses.I was overwhelmed and had to pull over and cry…for a long time.This was the first time I had had true and actual enlightenment..(expansion of consciousness). After that for a while I would simply be standing among friends talking and it would come back faster than the speed of light. I’d be a giant again and they would be like ants, I would remain silent at these moments until it passed and I returned to their dimension? The expansion of consciousness feels like your brain is an egg frying on a skillet. You can feel( at least in my case)..your brain expanding and it feels as if it may bust out of your skull. I know that consciousness for the masses is a great stretch. I would say that it is nearly impossible for the masses to become concious…ever. The God imposed isolation and the teeter totter of being and living on the brink of insanity with none to speak to cannot be endured unless one is prepared (spiritually). I’m not talking like the masses talk. I’m talking about being prepared so that your body and mind can withstand enlightenment. The vibrations alone made it so that simple showers were like millions of needles stabbing me. You cannot simply become conscious and then go on about your business as a normal person? You will have to be slowly,,,agonizingly integrated back into society. This process could take years.Took me about 10 years. You will not be able to work for a while because you will be too psychically sensitive and emotionally drained.You will be afraid to go anywhere lest a vision appear or some deep truth is revealed causing you to collapse on the spot. You will break down in tears over and over and over again.You will ask God to stop. Stop blessing you because it is too much to handle. Enlightenment is just the beginning. Then comes the struggle. Living with enlightenment and the integration back into society. I also think that one must be prepared by way of tragedy. As this is the only fuel that will ignite enlightenment.Tragedy has the purpose of waking up a person. Yet even tragedy cannot awaken these sleeping giants. So you see….the masses move along in life in a spirit of casual curiosity….like a hypnotized person. I guess my point is…until one is conscious they cannot know what consciousness is.

February 20, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    20 Febuary 2007This above all; to thine own self be true.” – William Shakespeare
    Bush Became Absolute Ruler Today
    Detainee Bill Hides Immunity For Crimes
    Big Brother Is Watching You
    Crown Concerns
    I do not wish to be a fear monger. I do not wish to bring you down dear fellow citizen. I simply must be true to myself. I cannot sit by while I am witnessing my country become Nazi Germany. You see…I do not wish to be exterminated? I do not wish to become a slave either. Yet I see this coming.I see the Brave New World written about by Aldous Huxley and I see the film 1984 right here in America today. I see the people debate the issues and I see the frustration of a nation who “senses” that everything is not as it seems. It does not matter if one is republican or democrat…..conservative or liberal…black or white….we must agree that a man who laughs at a woman who pleads for her life should be subject to some psychological evaluations?The president of these United States did just that!One day…I shall die. I do not wish to waste my time on useless issues. This whole country needs psychological evaluation.
    Barack Obama
    Sen. Obama seems to be very popular. Could he be the first black president in America? I would be very surprised indeed. I would be less surprised if George Bush called for martial law and remained president until he died?
    The Dumbing Down of America
    On CNN I am watching a report about the airline industry. They say that some incident took place and now the consumers are asking what are their rights concerning the airlines? The reporters keep saying ” the people want a bill of rights for the airline industry. Over and over they say “bill of rights”. Brave New World people. Since they have destroyed the bill of rights for your life…they will now give you one for your flights of fancy? Get it? The next generation will probably grow up thinking that the bill of rights has to do with our rights concerning the airlines. This is how they do it people.The dumbing down of America.

February 16, 2007

  • Crown Concerns

    16 Febuary 2007Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.” – Douglas Adams
    The Death Squads
    America: The Begining Of The End
    From Heaven To Hell
    Crown Concerns
    This is  what “a friend of mine” posted in a discussion the other day: I hope he doesn’t mind. “The “work which improves the condition of mankind(MLK) – all humankind – is that which: - provides for the good of all – basic needs, education, health, and sustainable environment – employs people to BE capable of thinking freely and solving problems – creates clean and renewable sources of energy and eliminates that which spoils environment – removes barriers to education and better health and sufficiency for every individual – by improving conditions for Americans improves the world for all humansReparations” are just the beginning – a foundation stone of that work. That work is now the product of a people who are freed from the old restraints of labour confined to produce basic needs to survive. WE ARE THOSE PEOPLE That work is now the product of a collective will which DOES NOT ALLOW an individual or company to profit excessively from manufacturing ANY “scarcity” That work is the product of a society which will *not tolerate* homelessness and poverty and sickness and the *wasting of human potential* in a time when none of those things have ANY “justification” for existing at all in the face of the very wealth of the society in which they exist *only as a result* of apathy and lack of imagination and the WILL to end them“. Another”friend” in the same discussion wrote: “Enough is enough. The whole Platonic concept of right and wrong, white and black, has got the whole world into heaps of trouble. Let’s face it man, the world’s way out of wack because of this. We are all human beings regardless of our colour and incidentally, brown is not a shade of black“.